Everyday Project

Bella Fidjeland
6 min readSep 14, 2020


For this project, I started with a simple design in photoshop and added a shape every day and colored it based on my emotions that day. I wanted to track my emotions over 14 days to see if I was feeling one particular emotion more than others. This idea came to me from lecture when working on creating simple shapes in Processing by inserting codes into a software to create shapes. Starting to learn to code triggered this idea because creating a set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a task fascinated me. Inserting a specific code into a software to create a shape demonstrated that behind the scenes, there are complex codes. I felt like I could relate to my feelings by turning them into a shape every day for 14 days. It made me realize that there is much more to something than just simple shapes and colors. I discovered this when we were working with directions and files by inserting specific codes into Terminal.

Day 1

On day 1, I started with this simple blank design. This was the beginning design that marks the first day of my Everyday project. From here on out, I will be filling the design with different shapes and colors to represent my daily feelings, moods, and emotions.

Day 2

On day 2, I added a yellow square because I felt positive and hopeful throughout the day. To me, yellow is a very bright color and represents a sense of happiness and positive energy. I chose the square shape because, to me, a square is perfect. It has four sides that are the same length and four angles that are all the same. This day was overall very positive and was pretty close to perfect for me, and that is why I decided to go with a yellow square for day 2.

Day 3, 4, and 5

On days 3,4 and 5, I added two triangles and one circle. I added a green triangle because the color green represents a natural feeling. On this day, I had nothing planned but ended up getting a lot done; everything was flowing in the right direction. I also chose to go with a triangle because a triangle is a solid shape that is used in a lot of architecture. I felt powerful on day 3, and I felt like nothing could stop me. On day 4, I added a purple circle that had some different meanings behind it. The day felt like it was never-ending, and it was a very long day, which is why I felt like a circle was appropriate. The color purple, on this day, represents a sense of creativity. In my classes, I was assigned some new tasks and assignments that I have never done before, and when I was working on these new assignments, I felt like I had to get creative. On day 5, I added a blue triangle, which was not the best day for me. I experienced some sadness on day 5, and this is why I felt like blue was the best color to represent these emotions. I chose a triangle again because I felt like to get through this sad day, I had to stay healthy and try to stay positive to end the day on the right foot.

Day 6

On day 6, I added a red circle because it fit my emotions that day. The color red represents anger, which I felt that day because I was stressed and behind schedule with regards to the daily tasks I had to complete. I chose the circle shape because the day felt very long and never-ending.

Day 7, 8 and 9

On day 7, I added a black triangle to represent my lack of emotions that day. Black is associated with the unknown. There was not one strong emotion that I particularly noticed that day. Instead, I felt emotionless but also noticed feeling some strength in my appearance when mastering everyday tasks. The color is also associated with mystery and protection, which I thought was appropriate for that day because I did not express many emotions. On day 8, I added an orange square because this color is considered a vibrant color. I felt like I was focused and energized throughout the day and that I had a positive attitude throughout the different challenges I experienced. Orange felt appropriate because I had energy, and I enjoyed bouncing around between different projects and tasks. On day 9, I added another yellow shape to represent happy and spontaneous. I chose the circle shape to demonstrate that the day was enjoyable and long, and I did not want it to end. Yellow is associated with laughter, hope, and sunshine, and it also captures attention, which I felt was an appropriate fit that day because I wanted a color that represented a good day.

Day 10

On day 10, I chose to add a purple square because, as mentioned above, purple represents a sense of creativity. In my classes, I was assigned new tasks, and assignments were challenging, and when I was working on these new assignments, I felt like I had to get creative.

Day 11

On day 11, I added a light blue triangle because it is a soothing and calming color. Throughout the day, I felt calm and peaceful because I had time on my own to do things I usually don’t have time to do. I felt like this extra time was rewarding because I had completed all the tasks that I was assigned, which provided me with spare time in which I was free to do whatever I wished.

Day 12, 13. and 14

On day 12, I added a light blue small circle because, again, I experienced peace of mind, which provided me with time on my own, enjoying the small things in life without distractions. On day 13, I added a red square because it fit my emotions that day. As mentioned earlier, the color red represents anger, which I felt that day because I again I was stressed because I was assigned new tasks that I felt unprepared for. I chose the square shape because as I adjusted to the different directions of the assignments, and I felt more organized. On day 14, I added another yellow circle because, as mentioned earlier, it represents happiness. Again, it was another enjoyable day that I did not want to end, and that is why I chose the circle because it represents a never-ending notion of time.

Adding up these shapes represents feelings that we feel and learn throughout the span of life. We are exposed to new human emotions when we experience different situations, and it eventually ads up, and we have a full bank of many different emotions and feelings that continuously change from day to day based on conditions and experiences. Throughout this project, I was trying to visually show how simple shapes and colors can have deeper meanings behind them. Tracking these throughout two weeks added up so many different emotions, feelings, and moods, demonstrating that something can look simple, but behind the scene, it can be very complex, like coding and programming.



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